Gosh, it was up at 8:30 a.m. What can these conspirators be thinking? They must be trying to screw with the public. What else could possibly explain why the agenda was not up at 8:15am but was up at 8:30.
Way to go, John, for unlocking the massive conspiracy to defraud the public mere days before the election!!!
Gosh, it was up at 8:30 a.m. What can these conspirators be thinking? They must be trying to screw with the public. What else could possibly explain why the agenda was not up at 8:15am but was up at 8:30.
Way to go, John, for unlocking the massive conspiracy to defraud the public mere days before the election!!!
Uh oh. Who let JS onto this site?
I know, somebody file a POlice report!
Fun is fun, but image leeching?
That's just not cool
If using the American flag is image leeching, then the whole darn country is in trouble.
Good point. Fixed.
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